HamletScenen’s foundation
HamletScenen at Kronborg is Denmark’s Shakespeare theatre at the intersection of national and international exchange within the performing arts. A cross-cultural and dynamic standpoint where the theatre, based on Shakespeare’s dramatic universe and 1000 diverse characters, embraces and adapts universal and existential dilemmas across race, gender, religion, sexuality, appearance and ability.
The above represents a view on people, art and theatre that aims to create maximum relevance for as large an audience as possible. At the same time, it points to an artistic ambition that aims to keep the theatre at forefront of new developments in the performing arts and on point as regards inclusivity in the arts. Thus, the theatre persistently challenges and renews the Shakespeare theatre tradition in Denmark through diverse collaborations and approaches, as well as both physical and digital theatre formats.
HamletScenen is due to its special theatrical and cultural history foundation as well as the geographical location in Hamlet’s existence-philosophical epicenter at Kronborg, in a unique position to further develop the Danish Shakespeare theatre tradition. This includes promoting and pushing the thoughts around Hamlet into the 21st century, where audiences from all over the world are challenged to reflect on their own life with the famous words: “To be or not to be. That’s the question.”
HamletScenen was established in 2008 as a regional theatre by the Municipality of Elsinore and the Danish Ministry of Culture and has a professional board and management.